When someone upgrades to something better and stronger, there is a feeling of comparing which always arises. Sooner or later, one may even question himself, if the upgrade was really required. If yes, then can both of the gadgets co-exist?
In my case, I got the ASUS EEE 1000H. I’ve two ASUS EEE 701s already, both upgraded to 2GB RAMs too. Let me get the comparison straight:
Where does 1000H towers overs 701:
- Bigger display: It has 10.2″ display compared to the 7″ display of EEE 701.
- Better resolution: It has 1024 x 600 resolution compared to the shabby 800 x 480 of 701.
- Great, big usable keyboard: 1000H has 95% of normal laptop keyboard. This means that I can type with my normal 90WPM speed. I have been able to achive 70-75WPM with 701 so far and that too after a daily usage of 4-5months.
- Ample storage space: 1000H comes with either 80GB or 160GB HDD, which is great for storing all sorts of stuff. With 701, you are stuck with the 4GB SSD. 700 has 2GB and 702 comes with 8GB SSD.
- Powerful processor with in built under/over clocking: The 1000H comes with a utility to over-clock or under-clock according to the need. The 70x series officially does not comes with any such utility.
- Multi-Touch touchpad: This is not that important to me right now. But, may be in the future I may get addicted to this technology.
- Bigger touchpad: Bigger touchpad definitely helps to do work much faster and is more comfortable too. 701 has a small touchpad and for any serious work, I would recommend using a mouse.
- Comes with 1GB RAM: Unlike 701, it comes with 1GB RAM. 701 comes with 512 RAM. Granted that it is user-replaceable in both devices, but if you plan to run just XP on 1000H, you won’t need a RAM upgrade.
Where 701 towers over 1000H:
- Smaller, compact profile: The 701 is like a little kid. 1000H is more like a grown up 701
- Uses SSD: The 701 uses SSD(Solid State Drive), which is shock resistant as it has no moving parts like HDD. With 1000H, I certainly cannot move around without putting the device into standby. I have to be extra careful with the 1000H as the HDD can not take heavy bumps.
- Cheap(and thus, I misuse it a lot!): It is very cheap now as compared to 1000H which is still more than $550 in most local stores
- Less heat generation: The 701 has less moving parts which means less heat generation too. HDD generates a lot of heat compared to SSD.
You can read ApoTheTech’s ASUS EEE 1000H review here.