How to convert Google Pixel 6 to Global version for removing camera shutter and screenshot sound?

If you bought a Google Pixel 6 phone that is not a global version, chances are that you will get a camera shutter and screenshot sound. Since these are hardcoded into the firmware, you will be able to get rid of those if you convert Google Pixel to global version. 

google pixel 6 pixel version convert

Pre-requirement for this is rooting the Google Pixel 6. Then, type in these commands. 

adb shell
dd if=/dev/block/by-name/devinfo of=/sdcard/devinfo.img

Then, quit the adb shell and type in this command. 

adb pull /sdcard/devinfo.img

Keep this file as backup and open a hex editor to do some hex edits. Open devinfo.img file and find GR1YH. It should say 0x000000F7 > edit it to GB7N6 and save this file as devinfo_modified.img

Type in these commands. 

adb push ./devinfo_modified.img /sdcard/
adb shell

dd if=/sdcard/devinfo_modified.img of=/dev/block/by-name/devinfo

Reboot. You just converted your Google Pixel 6 to Global version. This is permanent and if you want to revert back for some reason, just follow the steps in reverse.