In this post, we will take a quick glance at the RE-BRANDED HCL products. This means that the HCL does not manufacture any of the products in it’s MiLeap range.
I will make you aware of the devices which the HCL imports and rebrands them as an HCL product.
1) HCL MiLeap MH 04: This is just a rebranded MSI Wind. HCL didn’t even introduce it with better battery. Nothing much to talk about here. Strange thing is that the Wind is also on sale in India and is cheaper than MH 04.

2) HCL MiLeap Y and V series: Yawn. This is just another Kohjinsha SH8 with HCL name slapped on. No difference anywhere. Just the same Kohjinsha SH8.

3) HCL MiLeap X series, MiLeap L series, MiLeap S series: You will laugh when you will come to know this as this is the Intel Classmate PC and HCL sells it with the tagline “made to last in extreme Indian conditions. It blends in seamlessly with any environment, whether at work or play.” Funny is this word which comes to mind. This is just a degraded, debranded Zoostorm Fizzbook. Unlike Fizzbook, it comes with slower processor! Talk about the change the HCL did to the machine! S series comes with the starter edition. Other come with Linux versions.
Well, I don’t know why HCL tells the whole Indian crowd that it has made them. It is not a unknown fact that the whole MiLeap range is flop due to great competition by the ASUS EEE PCs which have way better range and at better prices. ASUS came into the Netbook scene this January in India and have been able to achive handsome sales in India.
To HCL fanboys: Instead of sending me hate mails, HCL should themselves make some products and come up with something fresh and innovative.
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