A 5.6" Panasonic Tablet Toughbook launching this week!

The machine is based on Intel’s Centrino Atom platform and prototype versions have a touch-sensitive 5.6-inch screen under which is a compact QWERTY keyboard that’s been split in half with a number pad filling up the center. The letter keys were divided to make them all within reach of the user’s thumbs so its possible to hold the machine and type.

Panasonic is scheduled to officially unveil the machine, detailed specifications, global shipping dates and prices on Wednesday.

Google's Android delayed – too late to compete with iPhone?

Undoubtedly, Google sits on the top of search engine business, but, it is now experiencing delays in launch of it’s mobile OS, Android.

“This is where the pain happens,” Andy Rubin, Google’s director of mobile platforms. “We are very, very close.” He was talking about adding features etc requested by carrier partners. I think this is why Jobs was smart in being tyrannical and ignoring carrier requests when it came to software. Google apparently can’t afford to ignore partner requests.

Reports reveal that the OS will be launched in Q4, 2008. I wish I could hear the loud laugh from the Apple’s Steve Jobs! :D

Is the Google Android a little too late to compete with the Jesus phone aka iPhone? :P

So, that's a UMPC?..no! It's a netbook!

Well, there has been a lot of confusion regarding all these technology terms. Myriad of such terms have come up and they’ve literally confused us so much. Don’t they?

Strange thing is that they sometimes look like contradicting themselves. The terms ultra-portables and mini-notebooks sometimes get tough to differentiate between. Don’t they?

Well, here is my take on those terms..

Subnotebook: very small in size when compared to a normal notebook. Max 8.9″ screen size. Devices like HP 2133 live in this category. They do not posses a touch screen

Ultra portable notebook: little larger than Subnotebook but still smaller than the normal laptops. Devices having 10-12″ screens reside in this category and they do not posses digitizers(either soft or hard). Example: Lenovo U110. Again, they don’t posses the touch screen Continue reading “So, that's a UMPC?..no! It's a netbook!”

Firefox portable updated!

We all love firefox. Don’t we? Infact, it is my most used application. See my profile at Wakoopa for that :D

Well, I have some great news for you guys. Firefox portable has been updated to the latest and greatest version 3! So far, just 2 plugins are supported(flash and shockwave), but more are on the way. Make sure you read the tips on this link to make your Firefox portable experience better.


What exactly do I use everyday?

I own a custom made desktop. Honestly, I don’t use it much. Why? Answer is silly, but it is because I cannot use it on my bed, toilet(!) etc. Had I bought the EEE before my desktop, it just wouldn’t have been there gathering dust.

So, what do I use in day-to-day life?

What exactly do I use everyday?

So, what do you see in the above pic?

  1. A black Asus EEE non-surf
  2. HTC P4350(herald)
  3. Nokia E61i
  4. Acer Aspire laptop

I use my Asus EEE for programming on-the-go, which may sound odd for many. Frankly speaking, I find the EEE’s keyboard quite spacious when compared to the UMPCs like Fujitsu U810, SONY UX etc. The only one that comes close to EEE’s keyboard and EEE’s size is Kohjinsha’s SH8/SH6(aka Vye S37).

Speed on my laptop is just near to 85 WPM and on EEE, it is 75WPM, which is wonderful for a netbook

SPB Backup 2.0 Review

All of us want our data to be secure. Have you ever been in a situation when you have lost all your data and do not know what to do? This wont happen again. Bought a new device? Want to make configure to just like your previous device quickly? Or do you want to flash a new ROM but you just don’t have the site to set-up it? Well you can do all that with the new SPB Backup v2.0. It’s better and it’s improved!

SPB Backup 2.0 Review

A FULL BACKUP lets you make a backup of all the data on your device.

A CUSTOM BACKUP lets you choose the data you wish to backup. You can even make a backup of your selected data from the various categories like PIM, Emails, My Documents, Program Files, System data, etc.

In SCHEDULED BACKUP you can fix the days and time in a week when you want the backup to be made. When scheduled backup is enabled, SPB Backup would automatically make a backup of all your data on the set day and time every week.

Now lets see some of the important settings of SPB Backup v2.0.

As you can see in the above screenshot, there is an option to stop all other processes before the backup process starts. Also, you can choose to create log files in case of any errors in the backup process.

If you keep the “create stand-alone restorer” ticked, then you need to have SPB Backup installed in your device, while restoring the data.

This option lets you make your backup password protected. Link to SPB Backup version 1.0 review.

It is clear from the above screenshot that you can select the files or the data of which you do not want the backup to be made.

SPB Backup v2.0 also runs on smartphones. Here is a screenshot of SPB Backup v2.0 running on a Windows mobile standard device(aka Smartphone)

It also supports ROM upgrade mode, i.e you can restore your old backup even after a ROM upgrade.

Another very useful feature of SPB Backup v2.0 is that it supports device upgrade mode, i.e you can restore the backup of one device in another.

Now, you can very easily sync your backup to your desktop. In that case, your backup file is automatically copied to your desktop when you sync your device to your PC. Also, now you can extract and explore the contents of the backup file in your desktop itself. Here are some screenshots of the desktop tool


  • Very user-friendly
  • supports scheduled backup
  • ROM upgrade mode
  • Device upgrade mode
  • Speed improvements over v1
  • Desktop sync tool supporter
  • Option for scheduled backup
  • Make full backup or select the files you want to backup
  • The backup file can be either encrypted or compressed
  • Can also be run on smartphone
  • Extract and explore the contents of the backup file on your desktop itself


In my opinion, none :)

Webpage: http://spb.com/
Price: $24.95 (upgrade from version 1 will cost $9.95)
Product version: 2.0
Installer size (cab): 1.42 MB
Supported languages: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Czech
Registration type: Shareware
Supported OS (device): Windows Mobile 2003, 5.0, 6.0, and 6.1
Supported OS (desktop): Windows 2000 SP3+, 2003, XP, and Vista
Size in ROM:1.42 MB
RAM consumption: 150 KB on configure stage; up to 6MB during backup process

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