Tsukumo has churned out three G-Gear gaming PCs powered by Asus. The company is using ASUS A21 CASE with a mesh structure on the front and top, the ASUS AR120 ARGB PWM case fan with addressable RGB, the ASUS Prime LC 360 ARGB water-cooled CPU cooler, and the 750W ASUS Prime 750W GOLD power supply – in other words, it is basically an Asus gaming PC.
Download TWRP for Samsung Fold 6
TWRP custom recovery is now available for download for the Samsung Galaxy Fold 6. This will allow you to install third party firmwares on it. Before you flash it, there are certain things to be kept in mind. First, only the variants ending in SM-F956BXXX are supported and you ought to be on stock firmware before flashing it.
Best ROM for OnePlus 7T Pro to increase performance
OnePlus 7T Pro is a fantastic android phone but in 2025, it is not exactly the most cutting edge phone in terms of performance and reliability. However, you can install a 3rd party ROM onto your OnePlus 7T Pro to better speed and reliability.
Use any widget on Samsung Z Flip 5 cover screen
There is a utility called CoverWidgets for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 that allows you to run any app’s widget on Samsung’s cover display. This is not possible out of box on Z Flip 5.
Download Z Flip 5 TWRP custom recovery
Custom recovery for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 is available for download. Flashing TWRP onto the Z Flip 5 will allow you to flash any third party ROM onto it.
Redmi 14c specifications reveals octa-core processor and 6.7 inch display
Xiaomi has launched Redmi 14c in Japan and by looks of it, it will be Japan-exclusive. Redmi 14c specifications include MediaTek Helio G81-Ultra octa-core processor, 6.88” HD+ display, 50 megapixel CMOS image sensor rear and 13MP front camera.
Continue reading “Redmi 14c specifications reveals octa-core processor and 6.7 inch display”Samsung Fold 5 TWRP download to make firmware writeable
TWRP is now available for download the Samsung Galaxy Fold 5. The package, created by XDA developer user, jrkruse, not only installs TWRP custom recovery onto your Fold 5 but installs patched Vbmeta and at same time, removes encryption. This makes the ROM writeable.
Remove ads from Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite android phone
Xiaomi is notorious for including ads inside their mobile device. We hate it every time we open settings on our Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite and there’s an ad waiting for us. Fortunately, there is a way to remove ads by installing a ROM that has a built-in adblocker.
Download OneUI 6.1 for Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, S10 5G
Someone has been able to extract Samsung OneUI from the Galaxy S22 Ultra and port it to the S10 series. For this, you will have to flash a custom ROM that has OneUI 6.1 baked in and you get all the features that S22 Ultra has on your Galaxy S10, S10+, S10 5G. This also means you get full Galaxy AI suite.
Moto G84 eSIM support is different in US and EU versions
Motorola’s Moto G84 is finally on sale and there seems to be a lot of confusion about their support for eSIMs. For starters, there is XT2347-1, model number for US variant of Moto G84 that has full eSIM support.