ASUS EEE S101 SSD performance [Netbook]

ASUS EEE S101 is the ASUS’s flagship EEE model. The S101 promises style together with function. I received the unit yesterday and I immediately put it to test which should give you an idea about its SSD performance. Here is the screenshot of CrystalDiskMark benchmark test:

ASUS EEE S101 SSD performance

Let me do some comparisons with some other netbooks that use SSD:

1) ASUS EEE 901: Clearly, the S101’s SSD is faster than the 901’s SSD

ASUS EEE S101 SSD performance

2) ASUS EEE 900: The SSD used in 900 was highly critisized for the extremely slow SSD write speed. Here are its figures:

DISK C: (4GB internal SSD):

Sequential Read: 36.61,  Sequential Write: 15.20
512K Random Read: 39.25, 512K Random Write: 5.059
4K Random Read: 7.233, 4K Random Write: 0.062

DISK D: (16GB internal SSD):

Sequential Read: 30.21,  Sequential Write: 13.00
512K Random Read: 30.95, 512K Random Write: 2.498
4K Random Read: 8.715, 4K Random Write: 0.025

Let’s talk about practical usage because sometimes the benchmarks can be decieving. The S101 feels adequately fast for day-to-day activities. It boots up quickly; shuts down quickly and perforrms well with normal tasks like browsing and office editing. These will be discussed in more detail in the full review which will be published within a week.

ASUS EEE S101 SSD performance review

ASUS claims that the EEE PC S101has 62GB storage memory. Well, out of that, you get only 16GB SSD space. This may make you wonder where the rest of storage space that the ASUS claims it to it be there? Well, here is how the storage memory is divided:

  • 16GB SSD
  • 16 SD card
  • 30GB EEE Storage

Out of 16GB, you get 14.9 usable SSD space onto which the OS is installed (in this case, Windows XP). And yes, the 16GB SSD card is included in the box. UPDATE: read ASUS EEE S101 COMPLETE REVIEW HERE.

note: EEE 901 and 900’s benchmark figures taken from site (related post this)

Learn more about EEE storage here.